About Perihelion Theater Company

What's in a name?

Perihelion comes from the Greek (peri = near, helios = sun) meaning "near to the sun" and is used in astronomy to denote the point in any solar orbit that is closest to the sun, as suggested in our logo. 

Perihelion Theater Company, Ltd., was founded as a non-profit, professional company in 1989, having grown out of Eccentric Circles Theater Company of North Carolina. When the decision came to become a non-profit theater, a legal advisor encouraged the board to take a unique name not already used by other companies. (Eccentric Circles was the name of a company in New York City at that time.) With the advent of Alligator and Ellis on UNC-TV. "And Productions" was added.

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Karyn directing the filming of Saturday's Children.

Staff and board members are volunteers. Actors and technical directors are paid by the project depending on available funds. The board is kept to a workable minimum of three consisting of the artistic director/CEO, the executive director and one member from the community. A national advisory board exists of professionals in theater and other realms who have maintained an active
 interest in Perihelion's work through the years and have contributed valuable ideas or help to our efforts.

Perihelion logo created by Kevin Traut.
Board of Trustees
Karyn Traut, Artistic Director and CEO
Thomas Traut, Executive Director
Theresa Yushok, Trustee

National Avisory Board
Karen Ackerman; Berkeley, CA
Grecian Goeke, Performance Artist; San Francisco, CA
Melvyn Golditch, PhD; Biochemist, Fort Worth, TX
Robert Kiefer, Theatrical Director; Nashville, TN
Judith Meeker, MEd; Educator; Portland, OR
Susan Price, Non-profit Administrator; and visual artist; Santa Monica, CA
Julianne Tomkovick, Development Coordinator & Playwright; Chapel Hill, NC